
GPR Finds Gold at Wagon Train Site
Official California Gold Rush Wagon Train
As appearing in The Gold Nugget, June 1999
by Ken Barker

[Plains Indians Attacking a Wagon Train, by Frederic Remington.]       The "Official California Gold Rush Wagon Train of the 49ers" was at Bear Creek Lake Park in Lakewood, Colorado, from May 20 through May 24, 1999, and the Gold Prospectors of the Rockies were there to put on gold panning demonstrations.
      On Saturday and Sunday we had a great turnout of folks from all over the Denver area see the wagon train and do some gold panning with us. We could not have put on this demonstration for them without the efforts of a bunch of helpful club members and friends such as Chuck Cown, Steve Cychosz, Ed Finney, Dale Herbertson, Gale Herbertson, Jerry Jensen, Richard Kleeman, Rick LaComb, Leonard Leeper, Debbie Lefor, Dan Lefor, Jeri Mercer, Dick Oakes, Don Tiglas, and Ken Zeller. Other members who dropped by to lend their support included president Jim Davis, Susan Davis, and Carol Oakes. My personal thanks to all who participated!
      The group was traveling to Sacramento, California, in celebration of the 150th anniversary (1849 to 1999) of the California Gold Rush. This group of hardy individuals is showing the public the style of travel and equipment that was used by the travelers on their way to the California gold fields.
      By bringing the discovery of America's Historic Trails to the world, it was the mission of the Official Gold Rush Wagon Train to keep alive the stories of the pioneers who traveled these trails and to commemorate the cultural diversity of the trails.
      The wagon train left St. Charles, Missouri, on April 4, 1999, with the intention of reaching its destination in California in September. The six-month trek covered 2,500 miles. Dates and campsites were continuously being set as communities organized events for the arrival of the train.

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