The Gold Nugget

Vol. 7, No. 10
Gold Prospectors of the Rockies
October 2002

Join Us on the Third Wednesday!

Lloyd G. Clements Community Center
1580 Yarrow St., Lakewood, Colorado
(One block west of Wadsworth, one block north of Colfax)

7:00 PM (Board Meeting at 6:00 PM)
Information: (303) 932-1076   <>

September 10, 2002

Dear Gary,

I want to thank you and all those who participated in the fun and informative prospecting field trip this summer. It was an educational experience that helped Jefferson County Open Space staff and other attendees more clearly understand the activities related to prospecting in the canyon. This understanding will help us make more informed decisions as part of the Clear Creek Park management planning process.

As we mentioned at the last public meeting, JCOS staff views prospecting as an historical use along Clear Creek, and generally believes it to be a suitable form of recreation for areas in the canyon. Our challenge in the park management process is to work toward ensuring that prospecting takes place in a legal manner, and that the integrity of the natural resources is protected.

As you are aware, Jefferson County Rule #5.84.32 of the County Rules and Regulations applicable to Open Space, prohibits the taking of any natural resource, which includes minerals, ores and rocks. At this time, we have chosen not to enforce that regulation as it pertains to prospecting in Clear Creek Canyon, until we have a better understanding of the nature of the activities in the canyon and until we have established parameters to guide this use. Park rangers continue to patrol the canyon, and will enforce Open Space rules and regulations, but upon my direction will not ticket individuals solely for prospecting along Clear Creek unless there is negilegence or significant resource damage as a result of prospecting activity. To date, we have not issued any tickets for prospecting activities in the canyon.

This fall I will convene a task force comprised of you and other prospectors, whose charge it will be to develop a proposed code of ethics and parameters that will guide prospecting activities in Clear Creek Canyon. I am pleased with the partnership we have built and look forward to working together to ensure that this activity can continue in the canyon in a safe manner with minimal impacts.


Colleen Gadd
Visitor & Resource Protection Supervisor

President's Article
by Rick Miska

Elections - We are taking nominations for club officers at this month's meeting for the elections at the next month's meeting. That way, all those who are running for the positions can put a short note in next month's newsletter as to why they should be elected. You can even nominate yourself, too. make sure you are at the October meeting to give your input.
Email - Please get your current email address to me ASAP. You can mail it to me, send me a card or letter with it, or give it to me at the October meeting. All emails that I receive by November 10th will be entered into a drawing for five free drawing tickets at the November meeting. You will be notified, if you win by that email address. Get it in!
Photo Contest - I have mentioned this topic before. At November's meeting, please bring your two best prospecting-related photos. We will do a toothpick drawing for the best ones. First place will be five drawing tickets, second place will be three drawing tickets, and third place will be two drawing tickets.

Committee and Club Positions - At the October meeting, I will have a breakdown of all of the responsibilities of club elected positions, appointed positions, and committee positions. We may need volunteers for those positions, so please remember, you get out of this club what you put into it.

Advertising Coordinator - We need somebody to handle commercial advertisers for the club newsletter. This involves finding, assisting, billing, and tracking of the advertisers. If you are interested, please contact me.

Birthday - I lucked out this year; my birthday is not on meeting day next week. But I still would not mind lotsa presents! Just kidding! No I'm not. Yes I am.

See you at the meeting,

Vice President's Corner
by Gary Hawley

      Greetings to all "Gold Prospectors of the Rockies."
      Since the last newsletter, a lot of the birds that were in my back yard have taken off for warmer climates, days are getting shorter, and there is that unmistakable coolness in the evening air. Although winter is on the way, we will still have many warm days that allow for a prospecting trip. It's great to live in Colorado!
      Below, you will find the text of the letter I received from Colleen Gadd, Visitor and Resource Protection Supervisor with Jefferson County Open Space. Please read this letter. Ms Gadd indicates that as of September 10, 2002, JCOS Rangers have not issued any tickets for prospecting activities in Clear Creek Canyon. This does not mean that tickets were not issued for illegal parking, theft of rocks, destruction of property, or other offenses. What the letter does state is that prospecting activities, as were demonstrated to JCOS staff earlier this summer, are being allowed at this time. I will read the letter at the October meeting and share a few other items with the membership.
      It is again time to elect Board members. May I encourage each of you to consider assisting you club by becoming a Board member or volunteering for a Committee position? This club has come a long way since its inception and it will only continue if members are willing to be involved with the direction and leadership that is so important to the survival of anyu club. Contact me or Rick Miska to have your name added to the nomination list.
      Until next time, may the nuggets you find be worth the effort you put into finding them.

The VP's Q&A

by Gary Hawwley

      The September question was: Cornwall England was considered the home of the finest hard rock miners in the world. Many of these miners were attracted to the mines of Colorado. What did these Cornish men become known as and what were the Cornish women called?
      The answers are: Cousin Jacks and Cousin Jennies.
      The October question might make you run for the history books. The largest Colorado dredge was built 1940-1941 near Fairplay. What was the name of the dredge and, for and extra drawing ticket, what was the capacity of this dredge?

Food for Thought
by Ada Keim

      Thanks to Elizabeth and Walter Schlomer for the great job with the Snack Table food at the August and September meetings and for volunteering for two months in a row!
      November volunteers are Jeff Mosteller and Donna Moore.
      And that will finish up the year. Thanks to all the volunteers throughout the year! Let's keep it up!
Ada Keim

The Whiskey Hole
An Early-Day Economic Welfare Program
From I Never Knew That About Colorado by Abbot Fay

      One of the most impressive gold discoveries in the so-called "Pikes Peak Gold Rush" of 1858 was at Tarryall on the edge of South Park. Prospectors who got there first rubbed their eyes in amazement. In the course of an old creek channel there were "scales of gold as big as watermelon seeds."
      After this inial boom, though, it became more difficult to find the gold dust. Going upstream to find the mother lode, a few of the men were fortunate. Other newcomers were unable to find any pay dirt at all. There was one good source, however. it was called the Whiskey Hole.
      Old vets of several months began to feel sorry for the newcomers. They set aside the Whiskey Hole as a place where only destitute prospectors could pan for their whiskey. Hundreds of men found enough dust to handle their accounts at the nearby saloon.
      Eventually, there was so much claim-jumping going on in the Tarryall mining district that, when new finds were found on the other side of the mountain, most sourdoughs moved over there. It was decided at the outset in this camp that any infringement on another's claim would be delt with in the most severe manner. Thus, they named the new camp Fairplay.

Gold Panning Demonstration
Great Job!
by Ken Barker

      On Saturday, September 21st, 2002, The Gold Prospectors fo the Rockies spent the day giving gold panning demonstrations for the Adams County Historical Society's 7th Family History Day. it was held at the Adams County Museum Complex, 9601 Henderson Road, Brighton, Colorado.
      Keith and Jean Cook were our hosts. They helped get us set up and provided us with a pancake breakfast. Keith asked us to take some time and visit the other presentations.
      There were some really great areas to see. Some of the members churned butter or made apple juice, juust to give you a little idea of what was going on. I recommend this trip to anyone interested in this type of history.
      I want to thank all the club members who took the time to help at this event and to let everyone know that we will be invited back for future events.
      Many, many thanks to Shawn and Pinie Conell, Ed Finney, Wayne Hale, Jeff Mosteller, and Donna Moore.

Gold Nugget Drawing Winners
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
0.8 gram nugget - Ken Barker
0.7 gram nugget - Joseph Stenger
0.9 gram nugget - Gary Keim
0.7 gram nugget - Pinie Conell
0.8 gram nugget - Chuck Harris
0.6 gram nugget - Kindra Solomon
0.7 gram nugget - Larry Boyes
1.6 gram nugget - Kindra Solomon
0.7 gram nugget - Pinie Conell
0.8 gram nugget - Donna Mosteller
0.7 gram nugget - Skip Mancheski
0.7 gram nugget - Sue Clover
Door Prizes and Special Drawings
0.5 gram nugget - Diane McCarroll
Donated by Randy Solomon
Tony Roma's/Harvey's -
Gift Certificate
Chuck Harris
Donated by Sylvia Fletcher

Find of the Month / Year

by Doug Taylor

      We had a great turnout for September's Find of the Month, with a little bit of everything to show up on the table. Larry Boyes brought an 1869 Indian head one-cent piece found in Cheeseman Park. Larry was using an Explorer metal detector and located his find seven inches beneath the surface.
      Carl Sutherland had gold to display from Clear Creek. Carl coaxed the gold out of the creek with a bucket and pan.
      Larry Weilnau had crystals of Quartz, Beryl, and Phenkite from the Mt. Antero area. Larry used a shovel and his eyes to locate his finds.
      Jeff and Donna Mosteller brought in gold and black Tourmaline garnets from South Dakota. The gold came out of Mystye Valley and the minerals came from Keystone. Jeff and Donna used pans and their keen eyesight to locate their finds.
      Thanks to all the GPR members who participate in the Find of the Month/Year program; it is always interesting to see what you are finding in the great outdoors.

Commercial Advertising

The Gold Nugget 

is an official publication of the Gold Prospectors of the Rockies, a Denver-based, Colorado nonprofit organization established in 1995 for the enjoyment of gold prospecting and metal detecting. Club meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 PM, at the Lloyd G. Clements Community Center, 1580 Yarrow Street, Lakewood, Colorado (1 block west of Wadsworth, 1 block north of Colfax). Individual or family membership fees are $30.00 for the first year, $25.00 for each subsequent year. Non-commercial business-card-sized classified text ads for members are free of charge. Commercial display ads must be detecting, prospecting, or treasure related and are available to anyone at a modest charge: 1/8 page (approximately 2"h x 3.5"w business card size) - $6.00 per month. 1/4 page (approximately 4"h x 3.5"w) - $12.00 per month. 1/2 page (approximately 4"h x 7"w or 8.5"h x 3.5"w) - $24.00 per month. Full page (approximately 8.5"h x 7"w) - $48.00 per month. The Gold Nugget  is open to and gladly accepts submission of information and articles. All article submissions must be received by the editor no later than the first Wednesday of the month for inclusion in the next month's issue. The GPR must receive any required payments for commercial ads prior to their inclusion. Include publication information on articles clipped from other publications. The Editor reserves the right to edit all submissions. Bulletin editors may print any article from this newsletter with credit given to the newsletter and the author. Contact: The Gold Nugget  Editor, The Gold Prospectors of the Rockies, PO Box 621988, Littleton, CO 80162-1988. E-mail: The Gold Nugget Editor.